Ways To Give

God provides for Highland Park Christian Church (HP) through your offerings. We honor these gifts with prayerful stewardship, ethical business practices, and accountability. We offer several ways to give:

Give Online

Use the link above to give online. You can make an easy one-time gift, or you'll have the option to create and account for repeating gifts. You can also use the HPTULSA app to monitor payments and future giving as well. Download the HPTULSA app here

Give In Person

Each Sunday, you can place a check or cash in the blue offering boxes.

Electronic bill pay

Electronic bill pay through your bank (most banks offer this at no cost to HP) 

Mail A Check

Mail a check to Highland Park Christian Church, 5708 E 31st St, Tulsa, OK, 74135.
See our FAQ section below, and feel free to contact with questions. 

Why we give.

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.


What are the advantages of online giving?

It's secure, easy and can be done from wherever you can be online. It's easy to set-up recurring donations, or you can make a one-time payment (like on a day you are out of town). Online giving may also help you establish more disciplined giving patterns. 

Are there disadvantages? 

HP incurs about a 3% transaction fee for online donations. So if you give $100, HP receives $97. We encourage people considering a special, large gift to consider another giving option, but we are thankful for any gift. 

Why do you accept credit cards? 

Used within wise parameters, credit cards can be an efficient tool for some. However, we strongly discourage those with ongoing credit card debt from utilizing this option. 

Can I designate my gift? 

Every dollar given to HP is used to support the whole vision of HP, both locally and globally. Therefore, gifts cannot be restricted unless we are raising money for a specific cause. We believe that this practice best honors the teachings of the Bible. 

How do I document my contribution? 

HP mails semi-annual and year-end contribution statements. You can also review your online giving from your Online Giving Page. 

When will my donation be drawn or charged? 

Online Giving will process your transactions on a daily basis and submit them for processing within 24 hours. Your transaction will be immediately registered in the Online Giving system. 

What is the deadline for annual contributions? 

Cash contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be included on your giving statement for that year. Online transactions must be initiated by December 31. 

Have other GIVING questions or need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.