Spiritual health resources

TAP the links below to get the resources



  • Pray Like Jesus Worksheet/Template - The Lord’s Prayer is intended to not only be recited, but is a perfect template for our prayers today. An HP leader would love to explain this to you and we regularly offer a class that teaches us, but go ahead and look at the worksheet.
  • Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard Foster clarifies the prayer process, answers common misconceptions, and shows the way into prayers of contemplation, healing, blessing, forgiveness, and rest.
  • Praying Through Your Day article by Tim Keller

Developing spiritual habits

Awareness of the Holy Spirit working in my life

My family and friends see the love of God in me

  • Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman is a book that uncovers the difference between being a follower of God and just being a fan on the sidelines.
  • Love Better by Arron Chambers teaches how to apply the love chapter, I Cor. 13, in everyday life.

Growing in Your Love of Others

Fellowship & Growth in a Small Group (Bible study, Bible class, group, etc.)

Making Disciples


  • Spiritual Gifts and Your Place to Serve worksheet will help you learn what the Bible says about your gifts, help you consider how God has gifted you, and provide a list of ways you can serve with HP.
  • SHAPE self-assessment (COMING SOON)

Living Generously