
meet our Staff



Ali attended the University of Tulsa studying the Arts and Jazz Voice. After College she worked for Christ in Youth MOVE in Joplin, MO for 3 years before moving back to Tulsa. Ali and her husband, Conor, have been attending Highland Park as members since that time in 2013. Ali came on staff as the Worship Arts Director in 2023. Ali’s main roles involve leading the music on Sunday mornings, assisting with the music for the children’s ministry and leading the Outreach Ministry. Ali loves to sing, work on her guitar and piano skills, draw, paint and play Pickleball! Ali and Conor have two kids, Colbi and Campbell. 

Matt Crosser

ENGAgement Minister

Matt has been in Ministry since 1995. He is an alumni of Ozark Christian College. For ten years, Matt and his wife, Angie, were part of church planting mission work in Italy. Matt came on staff at Highland Park in December of 2012 as Youth Minister. In January 2021, he transitioned to Engagement Minister. Matt helps our community engage online or in-person through creative, artistic, and technical methods through a lens of ministry. Matt also serves as an elder at Highland Park and is Chairman of the board of Sunset Bible Camp in Mannford, Oklahoma.

Matt enjoys creating, drawing, watching TV, playing games with family (board and video) and reading about most anything. He and his wife, Angie, have been married since 1996. They have three adopted children and have a nephew who is like a son to them and two granddaughters. 

Dave DUnson

PastorAl CARE

Dave came on staff at Highland Park in August of 1990 as our Senior Minister. In 2009 he transitioned into a new position as our Pastoral Care Minister. In this role Dave oversees our Ministry Teams, Stephen Ministry, PLACE Ministry, and GriefShare. He also teaches one of our Adult Bible Classes, is a Care Group Leader and currently serves as an Elder. Also, since 1992, Dave has served as a volunteer Chaplain with the Tulsa Police & Fire Departments.

Dave and his wife, Rose Ann, have been married for 48 years. Rose Ann retired after 20 years in 2016 as our Children’s Ministry Director. She now actively works with Dave in the Pastoral Care Ministry. They have two married daughters and six grandchildren. 

Brian jennings

preaching and leadership

Brian and his wife, Beth, have four children. Brian came to Highland Park in 1998, and he now serves as Lead Minister. His main roles involve preaching, helping HP staff and leaders be their best, and discipleship. He serves on the Board of Trustees for Blackbox International and Ozark Christian College. Brian has written Lead Your Family: 12 Ready-To-Use Ideas For Spiritually Leading Your Family and Dancing in No Man's Land: Moving with Peace and Truth in a Hostile World.

Brian enjoys running, basketball, tennis and writing. You can read his blog at brianjenningsblog.com.

Peyton miller

youth ministry

Peyton grew up at Highland Park. From being picked up from the nursery by her parents, David and Denise, to VBS, to baptism, and to being a leader while in high school, she's a product of HP's love and God's goodness.
Peyton graduated from Ozark Christian College in May 2022. She was chosen by fellow-students to speak at their graduation. She was also a leader of one of the best basketball teams in Ozark's history. 


children's ministry

Joseph graduated from Ozark Christian College in May 2023 and currently serves as the Children’s Ministry Director here at HP. He has a desire and passion to see others grow in their spirituality and love for Christ.

Joseph and his wife, Nicole, have been members of HP since 2021. He enjoys running, reading, watching the Denver Broncos, and playing board games with friends and family.





Debby sumpter
