Church bells: Sounding God’s invitation - Sermon 2 – Eat
Habits foster values.
Series Goal: Instill 5 habits in our people that draw them to Jesus and others to Jesus.
Q: How did you do blessing others this week? What happened?
Q: What is your favorite meal all year? What makes it so special?
Study: Read the similar stories of I Kings 19 and John 21 involving a meal to a discouraged person.
Q: What did the Son of Man come to do?
I Cor 11:27, “If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience.”
Q: How could I Cor. 11:27 apply to you?
Q: Jesus wants to share meals with you. How can you realize that?
Reflection: Pray. Ask God to place the names of three people with whom can you share a meal this week.
(an hp member)
(a friend who is not a believer)
Recommended Resource
Surprise the World by Michael Frost
Recommended Study for this week
I Kings 19, John 21, I Corinthians 10-11 Surprise the World ch. 4