2:20 Center Property
If a friend came to you seeking advice about being a good steward of the things they owned and you discovered that they had a home or vehicle that they could now do without, what would be your advice?
The Elders are completely committed to the ministries of the 2:20 Center (just south of our facility on 32nd St), and are considering relocating those ministries to the Student Union Building (the SUB is on 31st, just east of our main facility). The Elders are considering placing the 2:20 Center property on the market. We are in an exploratory phase. Here are thoughts about this:
If a friend came to you seeking advice about being a good steward of the things they owned and you discovered that they had a home or vehicle that they could now do without, what would be your advice?
The Elders are completely committed to the ministries of the 2:20 Center (just south of our facility on 32nd St), and are considering relocating those ministries to the Student Union Building (the SUB is on 31st, just east of our main facility). The Elders are considering placing the 2:20 Center property on the market. We are in an exploratory phase. Here are thoughts about this:
- The SUB could provide a larger, more accessible space for the Food Pantry Team and ample office space for Home Improvement Ministry, while maintaining space for youth ministries, groups, and other events. Some facility modifications and scheduling plans would be required, but we believe this is doable.
- If we retain the 2:20 Center, we’re going to need to start pouring in quite a bit of money into it. The SUB will require much less significant work.
- After an extensive study of zoning restrictions, we found that the 2:20 Property offers less long-term flexibility for us.
- While the SUB is used heavily several times a week, there are many days where nobody uses it. In speaking with leaders of all the impacted ministries, we believe we could form a workable schedule.
- Consolidating our properties would allow us to reduce budgeted utilities, insurance, security, and upkeep.
- Consolidating our properties would remove a chunk of potential stress and effort for our Facilities Team and office staff.
- Having staff and volunteers in the same building offers more protection for that building (spotting a problem with the facility) and would foster relationships.
- The SUB is well-built, fairly simple to maintain, and provides lots of flexibility for uses.
- We are visiting with the Learning School team about potential spots for a new playground area.
- If we were able to sell the 2:20 Center, we could use funds to modify the SUB, relocate the LS playground, and place any extra funds where most needed.
- We are open to your input. Depending on the input received we will move forward to the next step.
- If things progress after receiving your input, we’ll ask for your approval in an official congregational meeting on July 21st, open to all members.