
Jan 17, 2021    Brian Jennings    The Deeply Formed Life

3 - Sabbath Rest (1/17/21)
2:20 Update!!!

Deeply Formed Life – Redwood Tree. Roots.

God gives blessings. Sabbath Rest is one of them.

The Sabbath is a set aside time of unhurried delight with God.
It’s an invitation to a life not dominated and distorted by overwork.

Jesus remembered the Sabbath, but not in ways that the religious leaders always liked. They’d created their own rules. They were ridiculous.

They even criticized Jesus for healing someone on the Sabbath.

We think so often about how the Pharisees abused people with the Sabbath that we forget how God blesses people with the Sabbath.

Read & Teach Mark 2:23-28
Referenced David in I Samuel 21

We need this gift because our instinct is to live stressed-out lives.

Over 50 years ago, famous newscaster Walter Kronkite talked about what life would be like in homes in the future. He came really close to getting a few things right, but he missed terribly on one prediction. Watch this.

We’ll put a link to the full video on our website if you want to watch it, but they predicted things like in-home entertainment and live-streaming video, and internet news, (all controlled by a huge switchboard instead of a phone). Got that right. But they assumed that this would cause us to slow down and not work so much.
What’s the one thing that makes us slow down? A Pandemic. Or a loss of job; or a surgery that forces you to stay home.

In the 4th Commandment: God says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

1. Sabbath is a gift, not a reward. In fact, all of the 10 Commandments are not a means of salvation, but a result of salvation.

The goal is not to work ourselves into exhaustion so we can spend a day doing nothing. That’s backwards.

On what day of Creation did God begin the Sabbath?
On what day did God create mankind?
Sabbath was their first full day. Ooooo
I’m not suggesting that everyone is doing it wrong if they don’t Sabbath on the first day of the week. That’s legalistic and unhelpful.

But there’s a Biblical principle there. We don’t work for God’s presence and the rest he gives. It’s a gift.
And maybe God didn’t want to be working when he could be with mankind.

2. Sabbath moves us from production to presence.
We tend to find value in overworking ourselves.
We brag about how busy we are.

We feel the need to be productive all the time. To make more money. To make more things. To make more ourselves.

It’s a reminder that our work remains incomplete.

The Sabbath is not just rest from making things, it’s rest from the need to make something of ourselves.

3. Sabbath points us to the deeper rest we need.

There is a quality of rest that we need that is deeper than a nap or vacation or quiet day can give. It can only come from Jesus.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

We won’t find deep rest in what we do. We find it in what God has done.

God is for us.
His Laws are for us.
His commands are for us.
His guidelines are good.
The Sabbath is good.

If you want to Sabbath well - acrostic:
Remember it (to reserve it, plan it out loosely)
Eliminate unnecessary noise-makers (blow a noise-maker after saying – FB posts yelling at a stranger; email notifications; Gossip; TV that promotes stress or anger or lies; Only check email twice a day; weekend news blackout, don’t argue online; don’t binge tv & feel tired; no social media before noon)

Share – if you can be on the same schedule with family or a friend,
Try. Try different ways and don’t sweat it if it implodes sometimes.

Light the candle
God, we thank you for your presence.
Family, here’s the plan.


Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God. (Augustine)

If you place your faith in Jesus, he’ll swap out your exhaustion for his rest.

Small Groups

Dan White Jr.
4 yrs ago I assessed my stress & technology contributed. Some limits I've been attempting:

• Check Email Tuesday/Thursday
• No SM before Noon
• No Facebook messenger
• Weekend News Blackout
• Don't argue w/ folks online
• No phone in bed
• Don't binge TV

What are yours?

Take out a piece of paper. On each of the four margins write one of these words: Work, family, finances, emotions/stress. Ask each person to fold each edge to represent how much margin they have in each of these four areas of their lives.
What kind of rest recharges you?
How do you need to “come to Jesus” to find rest (Matthew 11.28)?
Share some ways you have made rest a rhythm. Be specific with habits and behaviors that turn your attention toward God and family.

Sabbath Rest (1/17/21)

The Sabbath is a set aside time of unhurried delight with God.
It’s an invitation to a life not dominated and distorted by overwork.

We think so often about how the Pharisees abused people with the Sabbath that we forget how God blesses people with the Sabbath.

Mark 2:23-28
(note I Samuel 21)

See the “Future Homes” video here -

Sabbath Principles

1. Sabbath is a gift, not a reward.

2. Sabbath moves us from production to presence.
It’s a reminder that our work remains incomplete.
It is not just rest from making things, it’s rest from the need to make something of ourselves.

3. Sabbath points us to the deeper rest we need.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28)

We won’t find deep rest in what we do. We find it in what God has done.

“If you want to REST well” acrostic
Eliminate unnecessary noise-makers

“Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God.”

Discussion Questions

Take out a piece of paper. On each of the four margins write one of these words: Work, family, finances, emotions/stress. Ask each person to fold each edge to represent how much margin they have in each of these four areas of their lives.
What kind of rest recharges you?
How do you need to “come to Jesus” to find rest (Matthew 11.28)?
Share some ways you have made rest a rhythm. Be specific with habits and behaviors that turn your attention toward God and family.
What’s your plan to Sabbath?