
Jan 3, 2021    Brian Jennings    The Deeply Formed Life

A lot of us feel like our lives have shipwrecked. Paul understood this feeling - for real. There's good news: what's bad for our plans might be good for God's mission.

1. Don’t panic.
Paul literally shook-off the snake. What do you need to shake-off?
"Flexibility is a superpower" (Carey Neiuwhoff).
“Adaptability the most important trait for churches in the 21st century to learn” (David Gibbons).

2. Keep showing kindness.
It’s easy to become bitter; self-absorbed, apathetic…
But Christians are full of kindness.

3. Keep preaching the full Gospel.
Paul preaches the same message that keeps making people mad: “God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen” (Acts 28:28).

If there are people whom you despise, whom you don’t want to be part of this church, I think I know what Paul’s message would be to you.

Sometimes what's bad for our plan is good for God's mission.

Your shipwrecked plans can be made beautiful when you just follow me.

“Unhindered” carried the idea of being released from a rental contract. You are free to go. The bonds are broken. Run free.

I pray we can run into 2021 unhindered by our sin, our troubles, our hurt.